Friday, December 14, 2007
Gringo Loco's Annual New Year's Eve Party ...

Yes .... that crazy gold-toothed D.J. gringo from down Zypolito way is back again with another real big and free New Years Eve party for everyone . DJ "Gringo Loco" will be spinning at Double Down Saloon , Avenue A between 1st and 2nd st , on New Years Eve , 8 to 10 pm .
The People Protest Cooper Square Hotel and the Licensing of it's Proposed 3 Bars Last Monday Evening ...

Monday night 50 to 75 local residents again protested the presence of the outsized monster of a building at the corner of 5th st. and Bowery known as the Cooper Square Hotel . The protestors were also protesting the hotel's owners attempts to license the hotels 3 bars , especially the one that is associated with the outside garden . This garden and bar is proposed to be immediately adjacent to the windows of several next-door residents .
After the outdoor protest everyone entered the Evelyn & Louis Green Residence at 200 East 5th St. to attend the Community Board 3 State Liquor Authority (SLA) committee meeting to hear the hotel's owner , Mr. Moss , and his lawyer , Mr. Bernstein , present thier applications for the hotel's liquor licenses to the committee . The hotel was seeking the committee's approval and referal to the full C.B. 3 board for final voting on the applications . The result of the full board vote will then be referred to the New York State Liquor authority to inform the SLA's vote to approve or deny the license applications .
Mr. Orter of the 5th st. block association presented its case against the approval and referal of the applications to the full C.B. 3 board .
The committee agreed to approve the applications for referal to the full C.B. 3 board only if the hotel signed an agreement to limit in numerous ways the operation of its business and of it's bars in particular . A copy of this agreement can be obtained later from C.B. 3 .
The committee called for a vote for and against the approval by all those present . Most of those present voted against aprroval . Only a handful , the hotel owner's team , voted for approval and they did not seem that happy when they left the committee meeting .
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Suzannah B. Troy , Artist
Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen Again Faces Eviction , This Time at the End of December ...

Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen faces a possible eviction at the end of December . We have posted here at NMNL of Peter Silvestri's previous problems with eviction last spring . A protest was held then in Tompkins Square Park to save the vegetarian bakery . The event included free vegetarian eats and speakers including Suzannah B. Troy and the Reverand Billy . Thanks to this community's efforts the bakery was given a several month extension on its lease . This extension is now ending and Mr. Silvestri does not know what the future after the first of the year will be. This previous protest can be seen by using the Blogger search feature to the upper left of the page .
The bakery has been a neighborhood institution at this 130 St Marks Place location for many years and is still a successfully functioning business and to many an essential part of what is left of this East Village Neighborhood .
Mr. Silvestri and Sara Burghardt are seen at the window as a customer enters .
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
120 St. Marks Pl. : D.O.B. Forgives Community Facilities Obligation and Ben Shaoul Leases to Piercing Salon , Tattoo Parlor and Bong-Shop...

We have posted so often , too often on 120 St. Marks Place . We are certainly tired of having to post on what is a very ordinary , architecturally uninteresting and in our opinion poorly constructed building ....but again it is necessary .
To fully appreciate what has happened at 120 St. Marks Place it is necessary that the reader first use the "Blogger " search feature to look at the several assembled previous posts concerning 120 St. Marks Place , Benjamin Shaoul and Magnum Management . Just enter these terms in the little search window in the upper left-hand corner on the upper-most "Blogger" header at the very top of this "Blogger" page . The reader should for completeness also "Google" or "Yahoo" these same terms .
To help provide the necessary perspective to be able to appreciate how the DOB has been complicit in so many questionable relationships with architects and developers please read these :
Several members of this community including NMNL , were promised by Council Person Mendez's office in the late summer of 2006 that Benjamin Shaoul would with certainty be required to fulfil his community facilities commitment . We were promised that our DOB before granting a certificate of occupancy allowing the building to be occupied would require Mr. Shaoul to fulfil his obligations . We took them at their word .
Today there is , as one can see above , a combination piercing salon , tattoo parlor and bong-shop in what , we were promised , would be a community facilities space . Not one of the spaces that were originally filed as community facilities spaces is on this date occupied as a community facilities space ...and the DOB has quietly allowed the original communities facilities agreement with Mr. Shaoul to be re-written forgiving Mr. Shaoul the obligation to rent to a community facilities qualifying ( doctors office , religous organization, day care center , senior center , etc. ) tenant on the ground floor . Yet Mr. Shaoul still gets to collect all that extra rental revenue generated by a building that was allowed to be built much , much larger than it could have been built without Mr. Shaoul signing on to a community facitities agreement with the DOB for 120 St. Marks place .
Take a look at the DOB building Profile for 120 St Marks : go to , click on "buildings" on the agency drop down panel then fill in the field on the right-hand side of the DOB page with borough ,street number and street . The DOB profile for 120 St. Marks will come up .
On this profile , if it can be believed , 3 seperate temporary Cof O s can be examined ... the first 2 falsely representing conditions at 120 St. Marks Place . The third temporary Cof O shows that the ground floor is now legally a commercial space having been changed by the DOB from a community facilities space to an unencombered commercial space which now can be legally leased as such .
But the cellar is not occupied as stated on the temporary Cof O by a doctors office : it is occupied by a veternarian ,which could perhaps pass as a community facility except that the use group for veternarians probably does not comply with that of the cellar space as listed on the third temporary C of O .
The second floor community facilities space is rented as an ordinary residence to ordinary residential tenants entirely contrary to the requirements of the applicable temporary certificate of occupancy . .
Looking further at the profile it can be seen that during the construction process there were numerous complaints filed and numerous violations issued . Indeed it appears that there are more than $20000 in unpaid fines to-date and several outstanding unresolved violations .
What is seen at 120 St Marks Place is emblematic of building developement in all the boroughs of our city and emblematic of the quality of the DOB oversight in all the boroughs of our city.
Many of the problems that have resulted from acts of non-compliance and incompetence on the part of architects and developers in this city have had trivial proportion but in some cases the result has been the destruction of property , injury and even death . At 120 St Marks Place in the summer of 2006 a man was injured in an interior partial structural collapse that occured during interior demolition that was being performed without a structural demolition permit and without proper supervision . We here at NMNL have a video tape of this man wrything and screamining in pain shrouded in a cloud of dust midst collapsed structure . This injured man was hauled away from the job-site in a van and , according to workers at the job-site , never seen again .The DOB was informed by NMNL of this incident but no action was taken against Mr. Shaoul by the DOB . This ...fellow New Yorkers , is your city's Bloomberg administration at work serving and protecting you .
Santacon 2007 : Drunken Santas , Reindeer , Elves and Friends Revel in Tompkins Square Park Saturday Afternoon
Santacon 2007 : The Hula-Hoop Incident in Tompkins Square Park
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