Saturday, February 02, 2008
Fashion Week DKNY Add Campaign Chains Orange Bicycle to a Tompkins Square Park Tree

This afternoon we watched what we assume were DKNY operatives unload this bicycle from a truck , chain it to a Tompkins Square Park Tree and then drive away .
As was common in days of yore let's see some enterprising East Village youths strip this thing of parts or just brazenly abscond with the whole damned orange beast .
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Saying the Rosary Nightly on the Steps of Mary Help of Christians RC Church in the East Village ...

Mary Help of Christians and 19th Century Italian Saint John Bosco founder of the Salesian Society Which founded Mary Help of Christians RC Church .

Mary Help of Christians remains open on Sunday for two masses , one in Spanish and one in English .

Wednesday night as a cold bitter wind blew down 12th street a small group of parishioners gathered as they have every night since the end of May of 2007 when Mary Help of Christians RC Church was closed by the Archdiocese of New York . Often there are at least twice this many gathered on the steps at 7 pm but tonight it was just too windy and cold .
These parishioners gather to read the Rosary passing the beads of the Rosary through their hands as they pray and meditate alternatively on one of the three mysteries ; the joyful , the sorrowful or the glorius mystery . Wednesday night there was also a novena said for Saint John Bosco whose feast day is tomorrow , January 31 .
This act of faith and devotion , an inducement to piety in itself , is also simply to keep Mary Help of Christians open and available to the many parishioner that want their parish to continue .
We were told by Michael , the man above waving , that at the beginning of the cold war when the Russians were occupying Austria church officials instructed the faithful to say the Rosary as often as possible until the the Russians left Austria : that is just what he claims they shortly inexplicably did . History documents that it is true that the Russians did leave and Austria became a neutal country and remained so through-out the duration of the cold war . Perhaps Faith and Works can achieve a desired end here also .
Michael also told me that he knows the Fat Lady , indeed he even hugged her and kissed her on the street two days earlier , and she assured him that she was not going to be singing anytime soon ....
For more on Mary Help of Christians , the Salesians and St. John Bosco :
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Red Tailed Hawk With Rat in Tompkins Square Park
2005 : Beer Drinkers at Doc Holiday's on Avenue A
2005 : Jerry Foust at "Green House" , 75 Green Street ...

More to come on "Green House " , the Successor to the "Cave " Artist Co-operative , as Soon as We Recover a Crashed Hard-Drive .
Romeo on Avenue A at "Pizza Shop"
Sunday, January 27, 2008
8 Days A Week and 75 Years Old ..

8 days a week Ray works at his candy store even though he is 75 years old .It is absolutely necessary that he work everyday because he has big bills to pay , Con Ed , water , supplies , employees and something like $5000 per month rent with a harridan ( our opinion and term )of a managing agent that harrasses him and who will only allow him a month to month lease .
Today most in the neighborhood don't even know what a candy store is and certainly don't recognize Ray's enterprise at 113 avenue A as being one . Too many in this neighborhood today are above having a need for the things that are commonly found in a candy store . Most , not knowing Ray's name , only think of "Belgian Fries" when the location is mentioned ; not knowing that the store at 113 avenue A is not "Belgian Fries " but "Ray's Candy Store" . Because of all of this Ray has less business than he did 20 years ago . With the high rent it is difficult to keep his candystore going but somehow he continues .
Ray's venerable candy store at 113 Avenue A is one of the last of the existing anchors to the past and to the ways of the old East Village .This village is quickly fading to little but a memory .
Everyday Ray labors on at least 8 hours a day while still somehow finding the time and the resources to also help so many people by listening to their problems , loaning them a little extra money or by giving them a little free food or coffee .He is "holding down the fort" against gentrification and a banal future for all so many of us every day .
At 75 he deserves a real birthday party and that is what his friends ,customers and neighbors made possible and celebrated with him Friday night .
Creamy Stevens from the " Starshine Burlesque " came to dance for Ray . Perhaps for some this performance was all a bit too lascivious but most had no problem with the celebration and enjoyed it greatly . Since NMNL is already tagged by "Blogger" as an adult site we pulled no punches when editing . If your parental security settings are correctly set then your Kids can't look at this site without your permission . Ah censorship....
We here at NMNL proudly present the evening in pictures for your enjoyment . We hope that you can celebrate with us and the neighborhood the birthday of a real neighborhood hero .

One more "Raison d'etre" for Ray's "Boar's Head" brand hotdogs
Off with a glove
Left-over accessories
Sort of like airplane propellers but she does not fly away

A birthday cheer for Ray
An after-dance embrace

the birthday kiss
Ilya cuts the cheesecake birthday cake donated by Pozzo's Bakery
Some of the guys just wanted to spend some time talking to Creamy
Phil liked the cheesecake birthday cake

"Team Spyder" was there doing some video
Jack and Biker Bill arrived early to be sure to be able to be right up-front watching the show
Biker Bill , wearing recently deceased "Outlaw"s hat , enjoyed the show
Creamy Stevens of the " Starshine Burlesque" every Thursday at Rififi ( Cinema Classics ) , 11th street between 1st and 2nd Avenue .

More flesh is exposed

A birthday cheer for Ray

the birthday kiss

"Team Spyder" was there doing some video

Phil was there early too but he mostly watched the show along with many others from outside the candy store .

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