Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday Night Spartans in Tompkins Square Park ...

The "Union Square Spartans " had until recently been fighting in Union Square Park . Police decided that they needed a permit to do their sparring in Union Square so the Spartans headed for Tompkins Square Park Friday night .
The fighting or sparring is mostly a mix of free form martial arts using both hands and feet , with a manifested energy , reflex and skill exhibited that is impressive and engaging . Right on the edge of being dangerous and Friday night right in the center of what is normally a very sedate and peaceful TSP central lawn .
For a little more on the Union Square Spartans and their current situation see this NY Post story
Friday, May 30, 2008
Biker Bill Says : "Don't Hunt Nothin' You Can't Kill."
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Four-Leaf Clovers from Tompkins Square Park Freshly Pressed in Her Gideon's
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Donna's Birthday
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