Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Obama Brand at Ray's Candy Store ....

Today as in the political world the Obama brand is popular fare at Ray's Candy Store . Obama branded product is coming out of the fryer , extruding from the ice cream freezer , coming off the shelf and off the hook like no product before with the most recent offering in the Obama product line , the George Foreman grilled Obama cheeseburger , being a stunning first day success .
Today at Ray's you can purchase inexpensive , depression priced Obama cones , Obama fries , Obama coffee , Obama socks and of course the most recent addition to the line , the delicious 2 dollar Obama cheeseburger .
Customers come by , see the Obama branded items and swooning , cooing and giggling eagerly gush "I want an Obama ______ ." It all works for Ray . He is making more money ; not enough additional profit is produced to save his candy store but more money passes over the counter than before Obama , thanks to the Obama brand .
13 December 2008 : P.S. The price of the Obama cheeseburger has been raised to $2.50 . Marketing the Obama cheeseburger at the $2.00 price point produced so little profit that it was not worth including it in Ray's Obama branded product line .
Monday, December 08, 2008
1996 : In the Street

In these days of yore Ray sold beer "under the counter" ; Schaefer's , Ballentine , Bud, Heineken and some of the time other brands also , all in 12 oz. and 40 oz. sizes . Of all the alternatives by far most popular was the 40 oz. Bud , some of the the contents of which has been poured into Anthony's and John's coffee cups . Indeed on this night their cups did "runneth over" perpetually.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
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