Friday, March 19, 2010


A Sign of Spring On Avenue A : A Meeting of the Minds and L.E.S. Jewels Again Drains the Lizard at the Infamous "Pee Phone"

The sap is rising , trees are budding and peripatetic Lawrence Ladoucer , direct from haranguing folks on Bedford Avenue and tonight in Tompkins Square Park , is back on avenue A expounding on Creation as an enthralled Sid "the Nazi" and L.E.S. Jewels listen.
Later , a now enlightened L.E.S. Jewels continued his personal excretory relationship with the "Pee Phone".

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Saint Patrick's Day

Why a lighted Christmas tree on St. Patrick's Day?....and is that one of the little people , a leprechaun , beneath the tree .Yes , we had a few drinks for the Roman Briton Saint .But John's story is different .
The V isn't for victory finally . John was drinking vodka at the chess tables on St Patrick's afternoon and it earned him a free ride and a peanut butter sandwich with milk in central booking. He had a place to stand inside for a day . The day before John had spent another 27 hours wearing a gown with no buttons eating similar faire in the Belleview psych ward .

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Good News For Ray ...

Today it was more than just a $50 check received from a friend that Ray was feeling good about . His legal team at the Elder Law Clinic at Cardozo Law School called Ray and gave him some good news too .
Ray's legal team had received a CD from The Dept. of Home Land Security with Ray's alien file on it . This disc had been sent in a paper envelope by means of the US Postal Service .This disc was received damaged , cracked and non-functional . Today the legal team informed Ray that they had received the second copy of his file from The Dept. Home Land Security and that this copy was intact and functional and contained everything that he could possibly hope for .
The disc contained a set of Ray's finger prints that were made in 1988 when he applied for permanent resident status , testimony from 3 individuals that knew Ray as both Ray and as Asghar , a naval identification card from his time in training at Great Lakes Naval Station and identification of the date and place of his birth. As we understand things today these finger prints from 1988 and a set of Ray's finger prints made recently match .Finally big government says Ray is really Ray !
Ray must still appeal his claim with the Social Security Administration .No one knows how long that will take . We know that both council person Mendez's office and U.S. Representative Meloney's office are helping to expedite that process of appeal .


A Sign of Spring on Avenue A : L.E.S. Jewels Absconds With a Pitcher Full of Sangria From Yuca Bar's Window ... and Drinks It All Too

Monday, March 15, 2010


Sunday Night , Ray and Friends Watch Ray ...

From Donaleecohen: Ray speaks his piece at his benefit

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Fox News Visits Ray and His Candy Store...

This last Saturday night a Fox News crew including a camera man , a sound man and a producer braved a major storm to pay a visit to Ray and his candy store . The crew put a wire on Ray and let the camera roll . We suspect that the neighborhood and Ray made their visit an enchanted one .
We were told that the crew wanted to get some footage of the volunteer delivery team in action when we first spoke with the producer a day earlier . Fox was working on a special hour long program that would show some of what is good about America , that is folks helping each other . We were told that this program would air in late April or early May. Fox hoped that the visit to Ray's would yield some footage that could be used for one of the stories included in this hour-long program .Also some of the story from Ray's would run locally a couple of times in the next week or so .
The Fox crew got the footage that they came for . They taped the delivery team in action . They were able to tape a team member at the computer receiving an order and then a bit later a member mounting her bicycle outside the store and riding off in the rain .Later in the evening Fox interviewed the delivery team members . There was more to come .
Soaked families came in from the rain . Kids while eating Ray's ice cream spoke to the camera telling why they loved Ray and his candy store . Several regular customers came in and told the crew why Ray and his candy store are so special . Everyone made it clear that Ray is special , irreplaceable ; Ray is an important friend.
Ray , who has been talking to a lot of cameras these days , was now at ease talking to a camera , easily answering questions from the producer . He told of his problems with paying the rent lately . He showed the camera his Con Edison bill and made it very clear that if he is forced to quit frying his Belgian Fries that he will be put out of business .
Ray also told the camera that he was amazed by all that people have done for him . He mentioned the folks that came all the way from Virginia to be at his benefit . In the midst of Ray's on-camera commentary a man that had given him a large donation walked in and Ray thanked him in front of the camera . Ray thanked everyone who has been a good friend and all those that have helped him in these difficult trying times .
One of the regulars , Karl , Ray's favorite Trotskyist , soaked by the storm outside walked into the crowded , chaotic candy store . Karl was hungry and as usual broke . He had just been denied credit at the restaurant next door . He asked Ray for some fries on credit telling him that he promised that he would pay him later .Ray argued a bit and likely fearing that Karl might create problems , told Karl to go to the front window just as he had told One Arm Larry to do a couple of days earlier . The Fox crew followed Karl out the door into the intense rain . The crew taped Karl waiting for his fries .
When Ray brought the fries to the window Karl complained that there was no cheese on them . Ray went to the back and cheesed the fries . Fox watched and taped . Ray returned with the cheese fries and placed them in the hands of a now satisfied Karl .
Karl tried to eat the fries outside but the storm was just too intense . He asked Ray to let him come back inside to eat his fries , again promising to settle up with him later . Ray relented and Karl ate his fries on Ray's famous blue counter . Karl , gorging his free fries at the counter , took a brief moment to breathe and then asked Ray for a tea with lemon . Fox taped it all .

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