Saturday, February 27, 2010
Ray's Team is Delivering ... and Making Some Money Too ...

It seems that the extra effort made this week to advertise Ray's Delivery Service has paid off . By 11:30 the team has made more than $90 plus some tips delivering Ray's products . Every body out there order , order, order.... the evening is still young . The team delivers till 5AM Sunday morning .Call 718 473 9636 .
As we were on our way out Ray's front door at 11:30 some new customers entered the candy store . One of them asked "What are Belgian fries?" One of the team members answered "delicious" .
What's Going on Here ? ....

We assume that this window display is intended as a clever use of edgy normally forbidden language to make a statement of artistic merit .At best we see this effort as a clumsy and awkward muddled blunder .
We do not accept political correctness and the reduced , perverted vocabulary and rhetoric that goes with it as anything less than poison .People should be able to say whatever they want to say ... and suffer the consequences too.
Though we do not agree with or support much of anything that Walter says we are not offended or hurt by what is seen in this window .We are not bothered at all by the political content of some of Walter's statements .Walter has a constitutional right to express his political beliefs . We recognize though that people can be hurt and offended by what is written and said in public .
The range of subjects of Walters comments in this window may constitute an attempt to provide a context that is somehow supposed to vitiate those of Walter's messages that might normally be seen by some as offensive . Several that we have talked to though are none the less offended and angered by the content of several of these messages from Walter .
What puzzles and surprises us in this hypersensitive , politically correct East village is that no one is saying anything about what Walter says in this window .As far as we know no one has bothered to write or blog about this window . We posted another version of this window a few days ago and received one comment . Most curious .
Ray Gets Delivered Again , Saturday Night
Friday, February 26, 2010
More of the Same to Melt
Of Icicles and Other Winter Things
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Man At Work ; Let's Keep It That Way
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday Night : A Store Window on St. Marks Place
Saturday Night on Avenue A
Sunday, February 21, 2010
This Week End at Ray's Candy Store ....

This week end wasn't a big money maker for Ray . The crowds were not big and they went home earlier than was usual in times past .
The delivery team didn't have much business either . Likely there just wasn't enough advertising of the service . More brochures will be printed and distributed this week to places such as bars , laundromats and dorms .
Max and Nate told us that they had delivered 3 orders up to 2AM . They and other members of the delivery team ,when needed , were kept busy helping Ray serve his customers at the candy store's well worn blue counter .
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