Monday, June 20, 2011


Monday Morning on 4th Street

I am a great follower of your blog and I love NY as much as I feel heartbroken seeing so many people -poor and deprived of dignity - in the streets - like in your fotos. They should at least have a warm bed to sleep in, food (also for their pets) and access to a bath, medical treatment, dentist etc. That would give them their dignity back, I reckon, at least a little bit or motivate them to look after themselves a bit more (not in the meaning of changing identity - becoming someone else, but more in the meaning of caring for themselves). The dog looks so loyal sleeping on the pavement with his/her owner. I am a clincal psychologist and can't help thinking about these young people, how they were brougt up, if they were being looked after, had/have parents who loved them and provided/provide safety etc. Some of them are probably also suffering from mental illness, substance abuse etc. I would very much like to get to know the personal story of these young people. I think that they, even if they don't want treatment or do not want to be part of or if they are not capable of taking part in the established society, anyhow still should be provided with at least a warm bed, food and the option of a bath + shelter for the night. Great blog! I is great that you document the not so glamorous part of NYC. I am by the way Danish and have been in NYC 4 times. And I will for sure come back:-)
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