Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Elias with Mom Sharon and T.C. in Tompkins Square Park

A Crusty stood crying today because he needed a bag of dope . He had lost his dog and needed to get high .A friend attempted to console him as well as knock some sense into him .

Behind us at a distance an ambulance was preparing to remove a client to a local detox ward .

In the distance  a man in a dark blue shirt preached the Gospel to 20 or so well behaved  others , also in dark blue shirts,quietly listening seated along the arc of benches  under the Hare Krishna tree . Biblical tales of misery ,loss,hope, salvation and mystery .Tales of a substance much as that of  a typical day in Tompkins Square Park ... but in words only , dry and distant from the day's sauce of real tribulations and miseries .

We hadn't seen Sharon in over 3 years , we had never seen Elias . 3 years ago were  more difficult times for Sharon .Things are better today. 

I hope Elias keeps a sharp eye out for the NYPD, they'll bust him for drinking a bottle in the park for sure! Great photo.
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