Monday, April 05, 2010
New Avenue A Location Growing in Popularity with Late Night Revelers and Tourists Looking for Genuine East village Photo Ops...

Its all there to photograph , this new community under the sidewalk shed at 113 avenue A . Its all right next door to Ray's Candy Store too . This is a growing community , ask Ray.
Rather than having a big stink at his blue counter these days , Ray is coaxing the shed community members to his front window by offering them quite a few free coffees and hot dogs . Some of this new community's members who while removing pieces of their soaked clothing at Ray's blue counter , made such a mad rush for Ray's paper napkins during a recent rain storm that he had to physically throw them out and lock his front door .
Of course the infamous "Pee Phone " is very popular with many in this community , its right there under the shed . Very convenient . Some though , such as the gentleman in the brown leather coat still choose to traipse around the corner to 7th street to more discreetly take a leak .
On returning from relieving himself Friday night this gentleman had some difficulty negotiating the 90 degree turn at the corner , stumbling and banging his head on the blue column next to the entrance of Yuca bar . He collapsed to the sidewalk . After several minutes he began a faltering attempt to get back on his feet . After a few more minutes while resting part way up from the sidewalk he decided it was all too much work and pulled his coat over his head and went to sleep on the sidewalk at the entrance to Yuca bar . Some lucky revelers came upon him in repose on the sidewalk and had a good time photographing themselves in various intimate poses with this sleeping gentleman .
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I don't recognize these guys--are they new regulars??back to the hood to visit??
Lots of action on Avenue A.
Lots of action on Avenue A.
This looks like the NEW is distasteful for fellow revelers to use a port of call for a photo opp.
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