Thursday, February 11, 2010


Practice Run for Ray's Delivery Project and Other Things Ray ...

Using the computer given to Ray by friend Ruairi a few months ago Arianna and Ray practiced placing and receiving orders one night this last week . They practiced using the order book ( something really new to Ray) with receipts too .
Arianna is one of a group of neighborhood youths who are trying to help Ray expand his business to increase revenues-read their mission statement above-and thus be able to continue in business in these difficult times on avenue A .
The delivery service begins this Saturday night .The menue is posted here at this site 5 posts previous .
Concerning things Ray today we can happily say that Cardozo Law School's Elder Law Clinic is now working on securing Ray's Social Security benefits for him . An affordable commercial liability policy has been found for his candy store operation . He will likely be able to pay his February rent soon too .
The bigger problem though of installing an expensive kitchen hood with grease traps , an automatic fire suppression system and exhaust blower with duct to the roof has not been solved . Money is needed . There is talk but little action toward solving this problem .
Ray makes most of his money selling his Belgian fries but the landlord has insisted that in order to continue cooking fries , Ray will have to install a NYC building code compliant system .Though the landlord is not asking for any rent increase ,the landlord has by granting only month-to-month leases made it impossible for Ray to obtain financing of any kind .Under these conditions he can not even take on a partner to help .
With Ray of necessity continuing to cook fries without a code compliant exhaust system in his kitchen the landlord can not obtain fire insurance coverage for the entire building .
For more go to EVGrieve :

Good news to hear Cardozo is helping out with the SS situation. Surely there's someone out there with ventilation know-how...I'm asking around, but there must be others with connections.
i would take cigarettes off the list of delivery items. to be safe and legal- no one under age selling or buying. that would out him in a heap more trouble.
Beautiful coverage--you are becoming somewhat of a hero Bob...because you cared and care.
I think this is playing itself out like a movie - - in 2010, this is the future and Rays represents the old school of street life - - the New World Order is simply the "Digital World" . .. . keep everybody inside and introverted sticking to their computers and smart phones and netbooks and there will be no problems. . .. this almost reminds me of that movie Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo - SAVE MIRACLES !!!!!!!
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