Monday, January 11, 2010
This Week End at Ray's Candy Store and Lucy's Bar ...

It was cold in the East Village this week end . With the door opening and closing frequently it was also cold inside Ray's Candy Store .
There were many friend's that visited Ray this week end , especially on Saturday . The neighborhood's more troublesome souls were there annoying Ray's customers too . There was some silliness . Ray was in better spirits than he has been in several days but neither Friday nor Saturday night produced much profit .
Ray was not able to meet with his landlord . He will continue to try to do so . Seventy six year old Ray hopes to be able to make a deal to continue at his candy store at least until he can secure his Social Security income and retire . All is still unresolved .
We visited Lucy at her bar on avenue A late Saturday night . Lucy was sitting at a table near the front door resting . Her leg hurt and her grand daughter who was tending the bar could easily handle the small crowd by herself so we sat and talked .
Over a beer and a shot and 2 very generous by-backs we talked about her business , the vacancies on avenue A and Ray's problems .Lucy's business is less profitable than it was last year at this time . This is also as it is for Ray and most of the other businesses on avenue A .She said that the week end crowds are smaller this year . She also noted that she was having serious problems with drug dealers that are attempting to sell not just outside her bar but inside as well .
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Melanie! You had better not get Choice into any trouble.
You know how impressionable he can be, and with your reputation as a trouble maker, I would hate to see you lead him astray..... :-)
You know how impressionable he can be, and with your reputation as a trouble maker, I would hate to see you lead him astray..... :-)
I saw the article about Ray in the paper. was it the NY Times? or the Post.
can't you help him save his store?
can't you help him save his store?
Many are trying to help him but it is ultimately all up to the landlord and Ray to work a deal . there is more involved here than just hard times and unpaid rent .
Look at the statement I made about Ray,s below the header on my photoblog!
John Penley sounds like a whiny 16-year-old with his ridiculous declaration. We don't know who will wind up in Ray's space if his store does indeed close, and we don't need to pick on someone who had nothing to do with the situation. Ray's business is suffering because of his refusal to charge modern day prices for the stuff he sells and the fact that the crusties pray upon his good natured personality and scare away a lot of customers. Grow up, JP. You are not the voice of the East Village.
Hey, Bob - good to meet you the other night. I went to Lucy's as well...balanced it all out with Ray's coffee. I really think he should double his prices as he'd still be cheaper than everywhere else.
When I make a statement at least I have the huevos to put my name on it. You should ask the Bowery Wine Bar, 3rd St. landlord Economakis,or the 9th.Pct. about whether or not I can organize protests or in this case a boycott and protest! DONUT RIOT$$$$$$$$
John Penley should be renamed Pennyless to better describe his state. Miserable failure and childish to boot.
I made a donation to help Ray and the coward who keeps making comments about me should stop. I won't respond anymore. This is about Ray not me. I will be back in the LES in ten days so nameless chickenshit why don't you meet me at Ray's. I know who you are.
I agree with John Penley. People who make anonymous attacks are cowards. I support Ray and will go there tonight to buy fries for all my friends.
People need to support Ray. Protests aren't going to do anything but gain publicity for the organizers who love seeing their names in the headlines. It comes down to this: Ray has to pay his rent. Let's all contribute to the PayPal fund set up to help him do that. And let's also help him either make his store profitable or help him get his social security. He could really use some advice from someone with expertise in small business operations. Does anyone who reads this blog have experience operating a small business and some time to advise Ray? thinks "LES Success" could very well be the LES gentrifier who poses as a neighborhood philanthropist.
You know, the weasel who put up the Red Square yuppie ghetto on Houston and who renovated the poor persons' settlement house at East Ninth + Avenue B (the "Christodora House") into luxury apartments for his fellow megalomaniacal monied creeps.
Nice "success" story, Michael!
You know, the weasel who put up the Red Square yuppie ghetto on Houston and who renovated the poor persons' settlement house at East Ninth + Avenue B (the "Christodora House") into luxury apartments for his fellow megalomaniacal monied creeps.
Nice "success" story, Michael!
Just to be clear I did not post the last comment. I still think people should sign their comments. People who put a value on other people based on the size of their bank accounts are soulless assholes. I don't have much but, my photo archive at Tamiment library will still be around as a historical record long after the person who attacked me is dead and in hell.
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