Wednesday, February 18, 2009


What's Going On Here ? ....

No , it's not a "happy ending" to one of Ray's famous egg creams . Cochise is very drunk . Ray wants him out of his candy store but his pants keep falling down when he attempts to walk toward the door . From the smell there's likely a good sized load in them too .
Cochise repeatedly pulls up his pants and tries to tighten his belt but he is so drunk that he can't buckle his belt so they just fall down again when he makes a move toward the door . In the last frame Ray finally buckles his belt for him so that he can walk out the door of his candy store .

"Wednsday morning special at Ray's!","buckle your belt,free of charge!!!!"
Aww...Is there anything Ray won't do for his customers?
Whatever it takes to stop the poop from pouring out of his pants!
Ahhh that Ray....service with a smile....
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