Friday, January 23, 2009
Off the Island For Two Days and Back in Custody ...

A couple of days ago Jewels returned from a month long stay on Rikers Island . This most recent incarceration amounted to the remaining portion of a roughly two month sentence for menacing and harassing a city officer .
Jewels had served nearly a month on Rikers waiting for trial until Amy made his $500 bail . Amy and Jewels went to North Carolina for both Thanksgiving and Christmas while Jewels was out on bail . On returning from a North Carolina Christmas holiday with Amy's parents Jewels returned to Rikers Island to serve the remaining portion of his imposed incarceration . Last night after 2 days of freedom he was back in custody .
Having downed several cans of that special alcoholic concoction , Sparks Malt Liquor , Jewels had all that special juice needed to raise hell and entertain on avenue A last night . Nothing new last night . His was the usual modus operandi , mooning and flashing in the middle of avenue A . The onlookers on the sidewalk were entertained but the cops weren't .
Taken by the cops by surprise from behind , Jewels was caught with his pants down . He was seized and cuffed . He was placed in an RMP and hauled down the street away from a small but growing crowd in front of Ray's Candy Store and later transferred to an ambulance . We assume that he was taken to one of the local hospital detox units .
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