Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Day Two at Our Doorstep and the Slactivists come by and Protest ....

The faux trash was back at our doorstep today . We had to yell at people to get it moved . We made a scene as often as we could .If you are nice to these people they just keep coming back to your block ;year after year after....
Today as is the case almost every day , Mayor Mike was busy pimping-out an East Village neighborhood : our block on 4th street. There is a lot of rhetoric about all the jobs this creates but thats just bullshit . Talk to a real economist and they'll tell you the same :bullshit . This film and television crap is just as it is with the Mayors bullshit water-fall : advertising .
Its all about advertising NYC and especially the East Village to the rest of the world . The theme park-ification of this neighborhood and this city depends on this advertising to bring in lots of fools to be seperated from their money . This all helps raise property values ... especially commercial property values . .It brings more NYU students too , helping NYU to keep expanding and taking more and more of downton NYC. . Those who own big commercial property make lots more money as they theme park our city--it helps them to more effectively maximize their asset performance -- and these are the people that Mayor Mike intends to assist and support in their bloodsucking acquisitive enterprise.
We are not against economic enterprise , developement or even movie and television production companies per se but when these activities harm the people and their neighborhoods just to provide very considerable gain for an elite few we have to protest , violently if necessary .They have no right to take over the East Village neighborhoods as they do . Walk in the neighborhood on any day and you will usually be able find a production crew overwhelming a block and its people .
This last week some of our neighbors were threatened by some of this HBO production company's thugs because they complained about what the production company was doing to the street .
This HBO production company will again be shooting tomorrow , on 4th between A and B , during the day starting at 7 am . It looks like the "Slactivists" will be at the movie-set here on 4th st. at mid-day . Come by too and let this production company know how you feel about them and others like them and their constant presence in the East Village . Bring strobes and noise makers and have some fun .
If you don't want this crap in your neighborhood protest loudly and vigorously . Set strobe lights --even the little bicycle strobes will work --in your windows and turn them on . Purchase a small air horn with a little can of compressed air . When they start to shoot start strobing and blasting your horn out your window . Be nasty and really really ugly to all of them .Hurt their feelings if you don't mind doing that sort of thing . Remember none of them have any authority to tell you what to do ;you can walk where you want whenever you want . Only a police officer can tell you what to do on the street . If you are nice to them and if you take their money they will just return . This is war , act like it .
You can call the Mayors Office of Film and Television at 212-489-6710 but likely you will be sent to someone's voicemail . We have yet to get a response from a live person from Mayor Mike's favorite little agency .
Remember that its your neighborhood not theirs ; Mayor Mike has no right to pimp your neighborhood to help make the plutocratic elite , his friends , in this city richer than they already are .
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the pimping out of our neighborhood is sub zero trickle down because we continued to be kicked out of the area we made so dam attractive every body wants to film here and go to college here.
Sub zero trickle down, continued exploitation THAT GOES HAND AND HAND WITH "NOT WELCOME IN OUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!"
How ironic that the film crews will be forced to return to Canada not because it is cheaper but so they can recreate NYC and the East Village since the community crushing soulless exploitive short sited development and their pals, night life party central bar owners, etc . have raped and robbed the neighborhood of everything possible --
it feels like the East Village is "an exploited -- ////ed in the worst ways, squeezed like a sponge, the film crews, NYU and the bars squeeze us, do not give anything back, squeeze us out of our own neighborhoods as in no trickle down to below trickle down.
They all suck,
as in they suck the life force, the dynamism, the character and the characters right out of the neighborhood.
Sub zero trickle down, continued exploitation THAT GOES HAND AND HAND WITH "NOT WELCOME IN OUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!"
How ironic that the film crews will be forced to return to Canada not because it is cheaper but so they can recreate NYC and the East Village since the community crushing soulless exploitive short sited development and their pals, night life party central bar owners, etc . have raped and robbed the neighborhood of everything possible --
it feels like the East Village is "an exploited -- ////ed in the worst ways, squeezed like a sponge, the film crews, NYU and the bars squeeze us, do not give anything back, squeeze us out of our own neighborhoods as in no trickle down to below trickle down.
They all suck,
as in they suck the life force, the dynamism, the character and the characters right out of the neighborhood.
the pimping out of our neighborhood is sub zero trickle down because we continued to be kicked out of the area we made so dam attractive every body wants to film here and go to college here.
Sub zero trickle down, continued exploitation THAT GOES HAND AND HAND WITH "NOT WELCOME IN OUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!"
How ironic that the film crews will be forced to return to Canada not because it is cheaper but so they can recreate NYC and the East Village since the community crushing soulless exploitive short sited development and their pals, night life party central bar owners, etc . have raped and robbed the neighborhood of everything possible --
it feels like the East Village is "an exploited -- ////ed in the worst ways, squeezed like a sponge, the film crews, NYU and the bars squeeze us, do not give anything back, squeeze us out of our own neighborhoods as in no trickle down to below trickle down.
They all suck,
as in they suck the life force, the dynamism, the character and the characters right out of the neighborhood.
Sub zero trickle down, continued exploitation THAT GOES HAND AND HAND WITH "NOT WELCOME IN OUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!"
How ironic that the film crews will be forced to return to Canada not because it is cheaper but so they can recreate NYC and the East Village since the community crushing soulless exploitive short sited development and their pals, night life party central bar owners, etc . have raped and robbed the neighborhood of everything possible --
it feels like the East Village is "an exploited -- ////ed in the worst ways, squeezed like a sponge, the film crews, NYU and the bars squeeze us, do not give anything back, squeeze us out of our own neighborhoods as in no trickle down to below trickle down.
They all suck,
as in they suck the life force, the dynamism, the character and the characters right out of the neighborhood.
The photo of John Penley holding up his thoughts were shared with me many years ago on the upper west side when I did low level crap grunt work by residents. Same words...
The film business is so slick they have figured out how to make profits even if they productions just go to video.
The East Village has been over saturated with film crews and it is too much. Must be a record for the pimping out of the area.
The film business is so slick they have figured out how to make profits even if they productions just go to video.
The East Village has been over saturated with film crews and it is too much. Must be a record for the pimping out of the area.
i live on that block -- but i also work as a grip. we need production jobs in nyc. was it really that big a deal? no, it wasn't, and you know it.
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