Wednesday, July 23, 2008


22 July , 2008 : Chocolate Bar Opens on 7th Street

Do they practice smug in the mirror?
Sorry , I should have asked them about that .
A real shame. The owner of the building tripled the rent on this shop and forced out the prior tenant,Sophie, who ran a store there for years (before the neighborhood became a watering hole for the children of the rich). That shop sat vacant for a long time, at least a couple years before the chocolate bar (now there's something we really need in the neighborhood!) opened. Whenever I walk past I never see any customers inside. With $6000.00 a month rent, they better start selling some chocolate! I give it 8 months...
Oops! I may be wrong about the life expectancy of the Chocolate Bar. I googled them and see that they are a chain, so maybe they won't need to depend on sales at this shop on 7th Street. Once the Dubai location (no kidding, check out their website) opens they will just live off the $ that the rich twats who are flocking to Dubai will spend on chocolate...what a seriously wrong world we live in!
Amazing photos. Pity Anonymous who has it all wrong.

Chocolate Bar is a true New York original. an award-wining spot created by a girl from Queens with a dream. Typical story about a successful store in the West Village that gets priced out and moves to the East Village. Godiva, it ain't. If you read the press ( Google, NYT, NYO), she bringing the brand over but it's on her dime. Most store products donate profits to charity. You give it 8 months? Jeez, what can you possibly have against this place? maybe "heartless" is a better moniker?
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