Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Man Arrested for Allegedly Pulling Knife in Tompkins Square Park

2 ABOVE : the new "Crusty " enclave without occupants due to the presence of police .

The 9th street park traverse , a path for Parks Dept. and NYPD vehicles , divides Tompkins Square Park from east to west with the dog run to the south and basketball courts , handball courts and the new enclave of the "Crusties" ,the replacement for the former "Crusty Row ", to the north . Today the traverse was the scene of a very un-civilised violent clash , invloving local youths and " Crusties", that was right under the noses of the very civilized and fashionable dog run set .
This afternoon just across the traverse from the dog run a man was arrested with police claiming that he had possessed and displayed a knife in addition to resisting his arrest .
As dog owners and passers-by watched , police tried to calm a small crowd of combatants and sort out what had happened and who had done what to whom .
Some at the scene claimed that local youths had been throwing bottles at "Crusties" and that a fight ensued . Additionally , others claimed that this bottle attack was a part of an on-going feud between the local youths and the "Crusties" who have recently moved from the row of seats to the west in TSP known as "Crusty Row" to the small enclave of seats and chess-tables between the ball courts and the park traverse .
It was not clear how the man arrested was involved in the small skirmish but it was clear according to police that he had displayed a knife and had resisted arrest .

I have added Crusty Row to my things to see list on my next trip to NYC. Thanks.
Your blog is great but just like tv and film crews that come into the neighborhood it attracts people that come to visit, party and watch us like they are visiting a zoo and it robs us of our humanity and our community.
I asked the film crew "Law and Order" to hire a colorful young man in our community as an extra and they brushed us off.
I yelled thanks for all you do for our community!
People here really feel that all the movies and tv shows like "Friends" just added to the destruction and push out of our historic area.

Every emptied building gets leased or sold to NYU and visit the NYU student housing on 7th Street by 2nd Avenue ( south side of street between 2nd and 1rst) and look in the lobby. There is a collage of your neighborhood before NYU mega dormed it to death and Cooper Union, NY Law, The New School, SVA all came in and supersized the area with mega dorms.

The collage of the old East Village-Village sells the fantasy but not the harsh reality of a neighborhood destroyed.

I respect our police and they dangers the face serving our community including making the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty and their starting salary is less than the billionaire mayor's receptionist but if you come visit our park please not we have more police and now parks police.

Sad when The New York Times "Travel Section" lists Tompkins Square Park -- and movie/tv crews that don't care about helping us fight evictions film here everyday...

The only thing the mayor and socialite city planner Ms. zone buster Burden for her rich friends have not done is provide trains, buses, NYU-trolleys to move us out.

The sky piercing mirrored condos and hotels reflect a history destroyed and a community that made the area so desirable no longer welcome.

Suzannah B. Troy

Do I want you to keep your blog up?
Yes, because the media will not report the truth and the crappy little villager newspaper "not" will not report the truth although anyone with eyes can see the destruction when they do visit.

Welcome to the 'new' hideous New York built on "Old" New York's infrastructure.
p.s. "oy, my typos" I respect our police and the dangers they face serving our community including making the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty and their starting salary is less than the billionaire mayor's receptionist but if you come visit our park please know we have more police and now parks police per square foot than any other park and better security than Britney Spears. You may want to read the rules posted at the entrance at the Park!
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