Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Mayor Mike Visits the Neighborhood Tuesday Night ...

Tuesday night Mayor Mike was interviewed by Tom Brokaw in the Great Hall at Cooper Union . We have been told by some who attended that only 2/3 of the seats were filled for this 45 minute Mayoral event .
Some of the issues that many in this neighborhood would have liked to hear the Mayor answer to , like the continuing expansion of NYU and Cooper Union in the East Village , overly aggressive developement , the displacement of so many long time East Village residents and the resulting destruction of so much of the old East Village community were not touched upon during Mr. Brokaw's questioning of the Mayor .
One courageous , staunch protestor of NYU and Cooper developemnt policies and behavior maintained a formidable presence at the entrance to the Cooper Union building . Mayor Mike in cowardly fashion avoided her and some of the press by entering and leaving the building by the rear entrance on St Marks Place .
Though few outside of the building had any intercourse (verbal of course ) with Mayor Mike , the poet Swami ( pictured above with back to camera ) did manage to get a question concerning the issue of the end of politics to Mayor Mike ; a question which Mayor Mike did answer but with all the traffic and confusion about us we could not quite hear .
Swami ,a.k.a. John Lesko , of course would be familar to those familiar with NMNL since we last pictured him here at NMNL last summer (4 June 2007 : Some Saturday Night Scenes on Avenue A...) as he was being interviewed and photographed by the NY Times on avenue A at Ray's Candystore for a story concerning the chronicling of the East Village .
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Too bad you do not have the photo of the mayor with his head bowed hiding behind a wall of huge men that blockaded him from any potential protestors. I wish I could have gotten right up close and expressed my outrage. Tom Brokaw was kind but he said he could not ask the mayor about the devasting affects of NYU and Cooper Union's plan to tear down their Science building, supersize and move out for 99 years to lease it.
Your photos show the mayor relaxed because his security most likely assured him there was no one around to confront him so you see quite a different person exiting (pictured in your photo) than the man the entered through a side entrance hidden behind a wall of very tall men. Lorcan Otway has the photo that really shows the mayor hiding behind "his wall" of men. It is also ironic because he has the best NYPD officers yet he refuses to date to allow the FDNY, NYPD, PAPD, and EMS their rank at the memorial and the NYPD starting salary was lowered. The mayor has also denied the rescue workers that died in the line of duty their name, rank and dept all these years at the WTC because he was concerned it would make them some how special. He arrived in a black car surround by many other black cars so he clearly took a pass on the subway he supposedly uses. I guess when he talks about a green New York he means green as in money for the mega rich and that includes Cooper Union who he and Burden gave the green light on yet another zone busting build that does not fit into the neighborhood and the future Science building has nothing to do with higher education.
About a year ago, I spoke to the mayor on the steps of City Hall when we had a protest to save the old ps 64 building and he admitted he knows how we the community feel about his support of NYU and he did not want to face our anger but he said it in a very provactive way and I responded in kind. I asked Tom Brokaw to look around and see what has been done to our community.
The Cooper Union mega dorm and they sky piercing luxury condos and hotels and the evictions continue to rise as we look more like a generic shopping mall. I want community outreach resource center in every mega dorm by every University that confused the East Village for dorm fodder and used the words "community facility" to supersize and exclude the community.
Suzannah B. Troy
Suzannah B. Troy
Your photos show the mayor relaxed because his security most likely assured him there was no one around to confront him so you see quite a different person exiting (pictured in your photo) than the man the entered through a side entrance hidden behind a wall of very tall men. Lorcan Otway has the photo that really shows the mayor hiding behind "his wall" of men. It is also ironic because he has the best NYPD officers yet he refuses to date to allow the FDNY, NYPD, PAPD, and EMS their rank at the memorial and the NYPD starting salary was lowered. The mayor has also denied the rescue workers that died in the line of duty their name, rank and dept all these years at the WTC because he was concerned it would make them some how special. He arrived in a black car surround by many other black cars so he clearly took a pass on the subway he supposedly uses. I guess when he talks about a green New York he means green as in money for the mega rich and that includes Cooper Union who he and Burden gave the green light on yet another zone busting build that does not fit into the neighborhood and the future Science building has nothing to do with higher education.
About a year ago, I spoke to the mayor on the steps of City Hall when we had a protest to save the old ps 64 building and he admitted he knows how we the community feel about his support of NYU and he did not want to face our anger but he said it in a very provactive way and I responded in kind. I asked Tom Brokaw to look around and see what has been done to our community.
The Cooper Union mega dorm and they sky piercing luxury condos and hotels and the evictions continue to rise as we look more like a generic shopping mall. I want community outreach resource center in every mega dorm by every University that confused the East Village for dorm fodder and used the words "community facility" to supersize and exclude the community.
Suzannah B. Troy
Suzannah B. Troy
p.s. Thanks for your coverage of this and our neighborhoods struggles, character and beauty that fights to exist here. Your work is very important because main stream media is doing enough reporting on what is going down.
oops,... "mainstream media is not doing enough" to report what is "going down"...beyond exhausted...
I was just in a store -- a non-chain store and someone stopped and asked me about my sign and he supported my views so I thought of the young student who attempted to bully me and told me in am ineffectual and thought how wrong she is.
I also am glad I did make a mistake and I realized after the fact I confused the mayor's girlfriend with Amanda Burden. I think she walked in with Dan Doctoroff and I yelled at her about St. Ann's Church, supporting the tear down and the NYU zone busting hideous megadorm--the fact she does not care about the evictions in the is laughable to someone with a 45 million dollar trust fund and I also yelled even Guilani's city planner said no to Cooper Union tearing down the Science building to supersize and lease for 99 years calling it a "shell game".
Just glad it is on the internet and people in the neighborhood reaffirm "right on".
I also am glad I did make a mistake and I realized after the fact I confused the mayor's girlfriend with Amanda Burden. I think she walked in with Dan Doctoroff and I yelled at her about St. Ann's Church, supporting the tear down and the NYU zone busting hideous megadorm--the fact she does not care about the evictions in the is laughable to someone with a 45 million dollar trust fund and I also yelled even Guilani's city planner said no to Cooper Union tearing down the Science building to supersize and lease for 99 years calling it a "shell game".
Just glad it is on the internet and people in the neighborhood reaffirm "right on".
Tired, not feeling well and the typos are there but readers get my point...Amanda Burden was born with a platinium mega spoon in her mouth, married and divorced to make a bigger mega fortune and the 45 million dollar trust fund is one she set aside for her kids.
Welcome to the "new" hideous new york built on old New York's infrastructure thanks to a billionaire mayor and a socialite mega millionaire Amanda the city planner Burden -- and the "burden" falls on the people of New York paying some with their lives, injuries and higher Con Ed bills to pay for the infrastructure expansion for the is way too rapid, zone busting builds for mega dorms, luxury condos and hotels...not the fit in to the East Village and this is a city wide crisis for all that are not developers...
What newspapers and magazines would publish this...not many because most are "friends" and part of the elite...and guess who advertises in their "rags".
That is why blogs are so important...
Welcome to the "new" hideous new york built on old New York's infrastructure thanks to a billionaire mayor and a socialite mega millionaire Amanda the city planner Burden -- and the "burden" falls on the people of New York paying some with their lives, injuries and higher Con Ed bills to pay for the infrastructure expansion for the is way too rapid, zone busting builds for mega dorms, luxury condos and hotels...not the fit in to the East Village and this is a city wide crisis for all that are not developers...
What newspapers and magazines would publish this...not many because most are "friends" and part of the elite...and guess who advertises in their "rags".
That is why blogs are so important...
The corrupt like paper called the villager of course completely --oops-forgot to mention what was posterd on my signs about Cooper Union's Science building, the tear down, supersizing, and the leasing for 99 years which has nothing to do with higher ed and everything to do with the continued destruction of the neighborhood and oops they forgot for 2 years in a row to mention the community out reach resource centers I want in every mega dorm in the East Village where they used the term community facility to exclude the facility. The corrupt little news reporter is the one that covered the rally for Peter and called me up and lied to me on the phone as if he did not know Lincoln forwarded his email about why he would cover what I had to say -- another lie that I had nothing to say that others have not already said. To date I am the only one to demand they owe us community outreach resource centers in every facility they used the term "community facility" to exclude us and supersize and destroy our historic area. The villager also picked a dishonest photo and that has been consistent with their photo choices and slants to misrepresent and not report the truth. Tom Brokaw was nice and a gentleman but he did admit to us he would not ask the mayor about the Cooper Union Science building and what has happened in the neigbhorhood. Lorcan Otway calls me and others friend but clearly he is confused about what is friendship and he could not be bothered to mention the community facilities or any other issue but of course Lincoln is the editor and we call the owner John "air space" Sutter and many call Lincoln an air head.
It is fascinating the villager refuses to report my demand for community outreach resource centers for two years and my thanking the community for fighting for Filomena Silvestri and before she died at 94 she died knowing we the community won a small battle -- she did not die having her business evicted on the street and I thanked the community and said that is what makes us a village and not nyu-ville but the creep who lied to me on the phone lied to me and said I did not have space to report what you said. I had to bother Lincoln for so long to even give Filomena's death a write up and he used my term Vegan Earth Mom with my blessing. I never imagined he and his gang would betray our community and belittle us like the reporting of Jim as well and not one mention of how amazing the police from the 9th Precinct were diffusing and calming Jim down but again the reporting was sensational and suprise Jim is still in the same place. The reporting is awful and does the community no good and the villager needs to remain itself sell out nyu-ville cooper union town newspaper for college and generic shopping mall.
Suzannah B. Troy
Suzannah B. Troy
It is fascinating the villager refuses to report my demand for community outreach resource centers for two years and my thanking the community for fighting for Filomena Silvestri and before she died at 94 she died knowing we the community won a small battle -- she did not die having her business evicted on the street and I thanked the community and said that is what makes us a village and not nyu-ville but the creep who lied to me on the phone lied to me and said I did not have space to report what you said. I had to bother Lincoln for so long to even give Filomena's death a write up and he used my term Vegan Earth Mom with my blessing. I never imagined he and his gang would betray our community and belittle us like the reporting of Jim as well and not one mention of how amazing the police from the 9th Precinct were diffusing and calming Jim down but again the reporting was sensational and suprise Jim is still in the same place. The reporting is awful and does the community no good and the villager needs to remain itself sell out nyu-ville cooper union town newspaper for college and generic shopping mall.
Suzannah B. Troy
Suzannah B. Troy
It is also just sick that Lorcan Otway oops forgot to mention the law suits against Cooper Union and the students seem to have no idea the community had sued Cooper Union. The students believe that Cooper Union is "poor" but they are in fact a real estate magnate and when it comes to fighting law suits just like NYU they have money to hire high powered attorney and defeat our community. Oops lorcan forgot to mention that and focused on the trite light "issues with my sign". It is mind blowing and shows that Cooper Union has powerful connections in the community and they can get the villager to not report the truth....when NYU does cough up even one community outreach resource center I can guess which local politico will pat herself on the back for it and in reality NYU owes us many community outreach resource centers including one in NYU housing to help us fight our battle to remain here and save our neighborhood from NYU and NY Law, SVA, Cooper Union, The New School and the mayor should change his stance along with his socialite mega millonaire city planner gal friend Amanda Burden and say NO!I was wrong about St Ann's and no to the tear down of a the science building for a mega building that has nothing to do with higher ed and does not fit with the historic area and ways heavy on an infrastructure that is in bad shape. Our safety and the communities needs before these universities and luxury condos and hotels that are greedy real estate magnates that under Bloomberg have made new york the new hideous new york and the gas leaks, water main breaks, sewage breaks and the fact the area "stinks" on all levels including of sewage is not getting reported. This blog is an apology for a corrupt paper that wrongly calls itself the villager...sell out little paper.
Gerald Flynn is the c0-writer of the article with Lorcan Otway that I refer to and the creep that erased me from the rally to save Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen, 130 Saint Marks Place and he had the audacity to call me up and lie to me that he did not have space; perhaps he did not know Lincoln email his very nasty sleazy reasons for making me invisible...his concern (on behalf of ?) that I might be running for political office.
The cut out what I had to say but I got on the radio and directly got to confront the mayor on what Gerald Flynn erased and Lincoln also sent me Flynn's comment I had nothing original to say...
listen to the radio show and hear what I had to say about community outreach resource centers in every mega dorm that I spoke of to the crowd and truly creepy is Gerald Flynn cutting out me thanking the crowd for sending a message to Peter's Mom before she died -- we fought for her and we won a small eviction.
On got on the radio and said what should have been prin I confront the Mayor on the East Village being mega dormed to death and more....I just wish I could have mentioned the Cooper Union Science building and when I yelled at the mayor "What about evictions?" they cut me off...
+ go to link
pick the top option for "archived link" which gives you the stream with out down load
move the cursor to 29 minutes (almost the end!!!)
OCTOBER 19, 2007
Live from City Hall with Mayor Mike and John Gambling
Suzannah B. Troy
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The cut out what I had to say but I got on the radio and directly got to confront the mayor on what Gerald Flynn erased and Lincoln also sent me Flynn's comment I had nothing original to say...
listen to the radio show and hear what I had to say about community outreach resource centers in every mega dorm that I spoke of to the crowd and truly creepy is Gerald Flynn cutting out me thanking the crowd for sending a message to Peter's Mom before she died -- we fought for her and we won a small eviction.
On got on the radio and said what should have been prin I confront the Mayor on the East Village being mega dormed to death and more....I just wish I could have mentioned the Cooper Union Science building and when I yelled at the mayor "What about evictions?" they cut me off...
+ go to link
pick the top option for "archived link" which gives you the stream with out down load
move the cursor to 29 minutes (almost the end!!!)
OCTOBER 19, 2007
Live from City Hall with Mayor Mike and John Gambling
Suzannah B. Troy
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