Monday, August 13, 2007


More Academic Excess : N.Y.U Sprawls East with Another Monster Dorm on 12th Street

NYU's mega dormed the East Village to death. Go to my blog
and read my blogs on NYU, John Sexton, the East Village's very own Ahab, the story of the illegal air sale by the USPS and more....

Read about how NYU uses the term community facility to supersize our neighborhood yet excludes the community from these they met with me a year ago and have done zero in response to my request they give us community outreach resource centers that should be in every mega dorm, NYU Student Housing on Lafeyette Street with free computers for the many people here that do not have computers, lists of what NYU offers the community, a table to ask for volunteers including tutors to get their every expanding student population involved here rather than confuse the neighborhood with an adult disney land and give free scholarships as well as list all the small businesses struggling to survive as mega retail comes in to cater to the way too massive student population and the mayor supports this and has done everything but provide buses, trains and NYU trolleys to move us out as evictions rise with these dangerous zone busted hideous mega dorms, luxury condos, luxury hotels on our old delipidated infrastructure.
I wish the photo was from the 12th Street side so you could see the facade of St. Ann's from 1847 and the construction work goes on 7 days a week sometimes more and it used to go on late until 9PM weekdays but when it came to inviting the community NYU did not put up one notice around the area put had The Villager and The New York Times believe or publish their false p.r. that they invited the community to their public meeting....feels corrupt -- feels crimminal
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