Thursday, July 05, 2007


Training Patrol on "Crusty Row" in Tompkims Square Park ...

On Tuesday afternoon a training patrol was in Tompkins Square Park with a Lt. and an aide introducing the troop of 5 new officers to the realities of the Park . The training included an introduction to the many usual suspects in most of the troublesome locations in the park including the denizens of "Crusty Row ".
The folks on "Crusty Row" were of course by way of example a part of the training program and were thus inspected for beers and other inappropriate possessions , told to sit-up straight on the benches , not to sleep sitting-up , not to sleep stretched-out on the benches and to stow their possessions in a neat ,clean and orderly fashion .
Responding to the training inspection on "Crusty Row", Jewels conducted his own impromtu inspection by reveiwing the troop looking for and finding irregularities in the troop member's uniforms or gear . Above Jewels has found a strap that is not properly secured .

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