Tuesday, November 14, 2006


"Hot Dog" returns to Avenue A

Another old-time friend and member of avenue A society returned recently .I ran into her last night at Ray's Candystore where she stuck her tongue out in characteristic fashion as I photographed her . We talked for a while of old times and friends and how she was having an outrageously good time having a few drinks in the neighborhood and re-uniting with old friends like Kid C who was also recently returned .

"Hot Dog" , a.k.a. Marlene Bailey , has been away from avenue A for more than 4 years , though she did make a brief visit to the avenue a year and a half ago to celebrate briefly in the East Village her three years of sobriety... with at least one half pint of vodka . Being clearly as full of energy and as ready for high jinks as ever , not everyone ,especially Ray whose head she once clobbered with a steel cellar door , was happy to know that she was back in town fearing just how much fun she might have at their expense .

hello bob i read lincolns comment anonymus of course...they dont understand whats coming is the end of printed media and are too stupid to hire the best and brightest. so let them limp along
time to set up a real page and sell
advertising andlinks your income does not match your investment
eastvillage artists have always sold themselves cheap you are no exeption and sadly neither am I
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