Saturday, February 13, 2010
Friday Night at 7th Street and Avenue A
Friday, February 12, 2010
More on Ray's Court Problems ...

Early today, very tired after a full 12 hours of work in his candy store , Ray went downtown to the clerk's office . According to Ray the court building where the clerk of the court's office is located though was closed because of the "snow emergency".
Later Ray called the attorney representing his landlord . According to Ray the attorney told him( we hear the Klaxon and see red lights flashing here) that if he paid February's rent by Tuesday the dispossess action against him would be ended .Without the February rent being paid Ray has no lease for the month of February .
Ray said that the attorney also told him that he would have to install the NYC building code compliant kitchen hood with grease traps , fire suppression system , exhaust blower and duct to the roof to satisfy the landlord . He of course could quit cooking his big money maker Belgian fries as an alternative acceptable to the landlord . The attorney also noted that a general commercial liability insurance policy for Ray's candy store was required to satisfy the landlord .
At this time Ray does not have enough money to pay the rent Tuesday morning . It would be a miracle for Ray to make enough this long week end to make up the difference . Ray needs help and some good luck .
Bad News for Ray and Ray's Candy Store ...

Ray received this document today . From a quick reading of these court issued eviction papers by some who actually know something about such matters the document appears to be insufficient in fact and procedure . It can likely be dismissed but Ray does have to answer at the clerks office claiming a court date to argue the details . Ray has paid his December and January rent but not his February rent .
Ray needs to make some money this long holiday weekend to pay his February rent .Everyone come to Ray's and buy , buy , buy .......
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Practice Run for Ray's Delivery Project and Other Things Ray ...

Using the computer given to Ray by friend Ruairi a few months ago Arianna and Ray practiced placing and receiving orders one night this last week . They practiced using the order book ( something really new to Ray) with receipts too .
Arianna is one of a group of neighborhood youths who are trying to help Ray expand his business to increase revenues-read their mission statement above-and thus be able to continue in business in these difficult times on avenue A .
The delivery service begins this Saturday night .The menue is posted here at this site 5 posts previous .
Concerning things Ray today we can happily say that Cardozo Law School's Elder Law Clinic is now working on securing Ray's Social Security benefits for him . An affordable commercial liability policy has been found for his candy store operation . He will likely be able to pay his February rent soon too .
The bigger problem though of installing an expensive kitchen hood with grease traps , an automatic fire suppression system and exhaust blower with duct to the roof has not been solved . Money is needed . There is talk but little action toward solving this problem .
Ray makes most of his money selling his Belgian fries but the landlord has insisted that in order to continue cooking fries , Ray will have to install a NYC building code compliant system .Though the landlord is not asking for any rent increase ,the landlord has by granting only month-to-month leases made it impossible for Ray to obtain financing of any kind .Under these conditions he can not even take on a partner to help .
With Ray of necessity continuing to cook fries without a code compliant exhaust system in his kitchen the landlord can not obtain fire insurance coverage for the entire building .
For more go to EVGrieve :
Creatures of the Snow
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Union Square Park
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
The Infamous "Pee Phone" Again Earns It's Reputation Serving L.E.S. Jewels

Jewels , recently returned from Rykers Island , stirred things up on avenue A this afternoon . He and a car owner had their differences over Jewels leaning on the owner's BMW .The police were called and came to the scene .For a while three NYPD vehicles were present monitoring Jewels' antics .
Jewels then entered Ray's and attacked Karl and his Trotskyist pretensions . A brief scuffle ensued with a significant portion of Karl's grilled-cheese-with-chili being tossed about , some smeared on Jewels . All the troubling commotions drove away the cash paying customers that were in Ray's at the time .
Jewels , having had several beers , then used the phone booth , the "Pee Phone" , for its most common use in these cell-phone-times to relieve himself and headed off to Tompkins Square Park . In the park Jewels right away knocked down a drunk and rolled around on the ground with him . Then for the rest of the late afternoon Jewels sat on a park bench arguing with some other guys drinking on that park bench with him .
All of this happened a whole 2 weeks early . Jewels had been sentenced to 30 days for breaking the 3 pointed star ornament off a Mercedes hood .We have been told that the owner of the car , an assistant district attorney, was sitting in the car at the time . Jewels was released from Rikers Island 2 weeks early for... "good behaviour" .
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Ray's Delivered to Your Door on Saturday Nights
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