Thursday, December 14, 2006
A Walk Through the East Village With the New Leica M8 Digital Rangefinder Camera

All the images above were exposed at an ISO of 1250 or 2500 using a new Leica M8 digital rangefinder camera . The purpose of this photo-journey through the village sreets was to test this new camera in the extreme condition of the streets of New York City at night .Low noise , high ISO camera performance is an absolute necessity for night-time photo work ,at least as far as I am concerned , which often amounts to carving a usable image out of darkness . I used this camera as I have used all cameras ,whether Leica M6 or Canon 1v or 1DMk II or Epson R-D1 , fast and in the moment , without much time available for thought or planning the image to be made . The M8 performed very well giving me back the oportunity to work the way , my preferred way ,that I had worked for many years using my four M6 s and my Leica and Leitz lenses .
Thanks to Jeff and Vinnie at Fotocare ,136 W. 21st Street in NYC , for their assistance with the camera .If you want an M8 , call Fotocare at 212 741 2990
Monday, December 11, 2006
Last Summer
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