Saturday, May 05, 2007



Friday, May 04, 2007


Of the Night ...

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Kid C Returns ... Again


May Day - Part 2 : Some Pictures of the Parade

At Astor Place and Broadway the parade stops as the police arrest several individuals who according to witnesses would not remove the masks that they were wearing . Wearing a mask at a political demonstration is , under a law that has been on the books since the 19th century , a crime and is a behavior that is rarely tolerated by NYPD . The marchers were not all that well behaved here as they spread across Broadway and it seemed to some witnesses that there might be a small riot .

After a several minute halt to the downtown progress of the marchers the police finally restore order and the parade moves on .

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


May Day 2007 - Part 1 : Union Square Park

This was as usual the traditional communist holiday : no May pole with light-hearted souls dressed as fairies , flowers and butterflies dancing about it .
Though some of the more well to do were seen to be making fashion statements with freshly starched and pressed red neckerchiefs , the event was mostly the product of all the old line communist and socialist organization's efforts to organize a new cohort of minimally employed and angry young males to march forth and make manifest a new and potentially violent political challenge to traditional America .
Evidence of the potential for present and future violence could be seen through-out the event. People were frequently seen to be arguing and were only prevented from attacking each other by the many police present . It could easily be seen that this event was not just about troubled and financially overburdened families and the difficult trials and tribulations of poverty in Mexico and America .
So why did we not see any of this discontent and potential tumult and turmoil in the papers or on television ?Why was the press photographing cute costumes ,interesting masks ...and babies and babies and babies.... draped in flags .Why was a "Times" photographer seen obsessing for several minutes on a sleeping baby in a stroller draped in an American flag when there was so much of considerable moment to photograph ?

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